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So far Wildlife Removal Pro has created 107 blog entries.

Why Fall is Wild for Wildlife – and Your Home    

2022-10-31T18:07:33+00:00By |Bats, Birds, Raccoons, Skunks, Squirrels, Wildlife Removal|

Now that the weather has gotten colder and it’s no longer comfortable for animals to find spots to create a den outside, your home becomes a much larger target for the neighbourhood pests. Squirrels, possums, bats, owls, raccoons and insects all start to look for somewhere warm to hole up for the winter, and your

Centipedes in Your House? Here’s how to Exterminate Them!      

2021-06-29T18:39:17+00:00By |Insects, Wildlife Removal|

Seeing a centipede in your home might not seem like that big of a deal, after all they pretty much stay out of your way and keep hidden. But noticing one centipede crawling out from a dark crevice or box might actually be a sign that a bigger problem is hiding where you can’t see

Termites and How they Can Damage Your Home

2021-06-29T18:40:23+00:00By |Insects, Wildlife Removal|

Termites have built a pretty solid reputation as pests that you don’t want anywhere near your home. As small as an ant but way more destructive, termites are often hard to notice until it’s too late. While there might be some small signs of termites in your home, the signs are usually minimal and easy

How Raccoons Can Damage Your Property

2021-06-29T18:31:51+00:00By |Raccoons, Wildlife Removal|

Summer time is prime time for getting outside and enjoying your outdoor space with family and friends. It is also prime time for raccoons to do the same! Except when raccoons are enjoying your outdoor space you will most likely be left with quite the mess to clean up. Raccoons might seem like cute creatures

How many wasp bites are considered dangerous?

2022-08-03T20:32:17+00:00By |Wasps, Wildlife Removal|

With summer finally upon us, we are now in the height of wasp nesting season - beware of wasp bites! These pesky insects like to build their nests in trees, holes around your home or up in your eaves making them an incredible nuisance when you are trying to enjoy the backyard. When it comes to

Birds Nests in Vents? Get Rid of them Now!

2021-06-29T18:13:01+00:00By |Birds, Wildlife Removal|

As the warm weather of spring approaches, so does bird nesting season. Unfortunately, one of the more common places for birds to build their nests is in the vents of your home! From dryer vents to fan vents, no small vent space is safe from a bird looking for a safe, warm and comfortable place

Squirrel Baby Season on Now! Things You Need to Know About Baby Squirrels

2022-10-31T18:03:30+00:00By |Squirrels, Wildlife Removal|

Spring time means flowers, showers and baby squirrels! Now that the weather is warming up you are likely to see squirrels around your yard looking for a place to build their nest to have babies. Since you’re bound to encounter this, it’s a good idea to know exactly what you are dealing with. What you

Wildlife Control Tips for Golf Course or Ravine Backing Lots   

2021-06-29T18:10:47+00:00By |Raccoons, Squirrels, Wildlife Removal|

Figuring out how to control wildlife when your home backs onto a golf course or ravine can be a difficult task. These areas are typically protected to some extent and since they’re likely home to a wide variety of wildlife, it can feel impossible to keep your yard safe and clear of pests. While it

Back Yard Freedom from Ticks & Mosquitoes

2022-08-12T15:47:21+00:00By |Insects, Wildlife Removal|

As spring starts knocking at our door, so do some seriously pesky insects: mosquitoes and ticks! Through the cold and snowy winter, the thought of these annoying insects has probably all but left your mind, but it’s time to start thinking about them again! Preparing your yard to fend off these buggers is the best

Best Practices for Pest and Wildlife Removal

2022-10-31T17:49:53+00:00By |Raccoons, Rodents, Skunks, Squirrels, Wildlife Removal|

If you’re suspecting that an animal might have decided to make themselves at home in your home or on your property, it’s a problem that is best dealt with immediately. The longer an animal has to get comfortable, the harder they will be to remove. There are many steps involved in removing an animal from

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