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So far Wildlife Removal Pro has created 108 blog entries.

Understanding Wasps and Wasp Nest Removal: A Comprehensive Guide

2024-06-25T14:22:13+00:00By |Wasps|

Wasps, while beneficial to the ecosystem in many ways, can become a significant problem when they decide to nest in or around your home. Their aggressive nature and painful stings make them unwelcome guests, especially in the summer months. A pest removal company specializing in wasp and wasp nest removal understands the intricacies of dealing

Wildlife Intruders: Protect Your Property During Spring Baby Season

2024-04-12T15:56:13+00:00By |Bats, Birds, Raccoons, Squirrels, Wildlife Removal|

As the vibrant colors of spring emerge and the weather warms, it's not just flowers and trees that come to life – wildlife also experiences a surge in activity. Spring is the season of birth for many animals, leading to increased sightings and potential encounters with wildlife around your home. However, along with the joy

Winter Home Invasions: Why Animals Seek Shelter (and the Top Invader)

2023-11-24T20:14:07+00:00By |Bats, Birds, Raccoons, Rodents, Squirrels, Wildlife Removal|

As winter creeps in, a variety of wildlife face the challenge of finding warm and secure shelters to endure the harsh conditions. Unfortunately, some of these creatures may opt for unconventional refuges, venturing into our homes in search of warmth and protection. In this article, we will explore the reasons behind this behavior, identify common

Top pests that get into your home in winter (and how they do it)

2023-02-22T16:39:50+00:00By |Bats, Insects, Raccoons, Rodents, Squirrels, Wildlife Removal|

Winter is a season of cold, snow and ice, but it is also a time when many pests try to invade your home in search of warmth, food and shelter. While most homeowners expect to deal with pests during the summer months, winter can be worse. Here are the top pests that get into your

What Damage Can Squirrels Cause My Home?

2023-01-25T19:24:46+00:00By |Squirrels|

Squirrels are lovely to see playing within nature. What's a walk in the park without seeing these furry, often cute, creatures running around in a natural environment. There's a big "but" though, for home owners. they can wreak havoc on your home and cause significant damage - even illness.  The bottom line is - squirrels

Squirrel in Your Attic – It Might Be Mice!

2022-12-29T15:22:13+00:00By |Raccoons, Rodents, Squirrels|

Cold weather means that pests will start making their way into your home in order to find a safe and warm place to nest and spend the winter. Two of the most common pests you are likely to encounter in the Ontario, including  Oakville, Burlington and the rest of Halton Region are squirrels and mice.

Winter’s Coming – How to Keep Animals Out of your Attic!       

2022-11-21T16:30:30+00:00By |Bats, Birds, Raccoons, Squirrels|

With winter on the horizon, many pests will be looking for a safe space to keep warm through the cold months. The last thing you want is for wild animals to get into your attic and create their den for the winter. Wildlife can create a lot of chaos and costly damage in your attic,

Squirrel Deterrent Tips for Home Protection

2022-10-24T18:19:10+00:00By |Squirrels, Wildlife Removal|

When you find a pest spending time in your home or yard, you will no doubt spring into action to get them out. With how quickly many rodents can multiply it’s imperative to get them out as soon as you can, before they create an infestation. However, taking measures to prevent them from getting comfortable

Fact: Rats are a Problem in Oakville and Burlington                   

2022-09-19T17:45:40+00:00By |Rodents|

Finding a rodent in or around your home is a problem that no homeowner wants to deal with. You need rodent control help - fast. These pests are dirty, destructive, can spread disease, and can be quite difficult to get rid of once they infest a property. The GTA has been a hotbed for rat

Household Pests – Rodents, Insects, Wasps? How to Protect Your Home Year-Round

2022-08-18T15:22:40+00:00By |Insects, Rodents, Wasps|

Living in Southern Ontario means that you’ll likely end up dealing with household pests at some point in the year. The mild, humid weather often leads to a variety of different animals, rodents and insects looking for a comfortable place to seek shelter and food. Some of the most common pests you’ll deal with are

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