How to Stop Squirrel Damage

2021-06-29T18:03:19+00:00By |Squirrels, Wildlife Removal|

If you reside in well-treed community, chances are you've got common grey squirrels living in your neighborhood. They are often a welcome sight, scurrying through the underbrush as they forage for nuts and seeds. However, as a home owner you also may have experienced squirrel damage on your property that can range from a minor

How to Get Rid of Squirrels

2021-06-29T18:03:19+00:00By |Squirrels|

Squirrel Removal and Entry Prevention There are many species in the Squirrel family. Apart from squirrels, other members include prairie dogs, marmots, chipmunks, and ground squirrels. There are 8 North American tree-squirrel species, and the most common squirrel in Ontario is the grey squirrel. These are commonly seen throughout the City of Burlington

Squirrels in Your Attic? Tips to Get Rid of Them

2021-06-29T18:41:02+00:00By |Squirrels, Wildlife Removal|

Have you heard scurrying noises in your house, or little pitter patters above your head as you sleep? Have you seen packs of squirrels frolicking on your beautiful rooftop, playing in your trees, and running around your property? If you have, you may have squirrels in your attic. Don't worry, here are some tips to

Is Squirrel Damage Driving You Nuts?

2021-06-29T18:41:08+00:00By |Squirrels, Wildlife Removal|

Don't Let Nuisance Squirrels Get the Best of You! The common grey squirrel is found across North America. Travel in any well-treed neighborhood and they are a regular sight, playfully bounding around from treetop to treetop. Sure they're cute, but don't let that fool you - squirrels are often a nuisance to home and business owners!

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