Mice In the House – How They Got In and How to Get Rid Of Them

2021-06-29T18:35:08+00:00By |Rodents, Wildlife Removal|

Mice in the house? You can stop worrying. You’re about to learn everything you need to know to get rid of them. You need to start with learning how they got in, because knowing that is one of the keys to keeping them out in future. 5 common entry points for mice that need your

Rodent Problem in the House? 4 Steps For Getting Rid of Mice or Rats

2021-06-29T18:35:18+00:00By |Rodents, Wildlife Removal|

If you've been unlucky and have come to the disturbing realization that you have a rodent problem in the house - such as mice or rats - try not to stress out. Getting rid of mice or rats is actually not that hard if you know what to do. Here are some tips you can

Mice in the House – How Did That Happen!

2021-06-29T18:35:27+00:00By |Rodents, Wildlife Removal|

Yep, you found mice in the house. Like it or not, mice share our love of warmth, shelter, and food.  And your well-stocked, toasty warm home is extremely attractive to these smart and agile creatures when they're looking for a place to live.  Here are all the tricks they use to break inside and invade.

Animals Under the Deck – Now What?

2021-06-29T18:36:17+00:00By |Opossums, Raccoons, Rodents, Skunks, Squirrels, Wildlife Removal|

If you're hearing strange noises under your deck, an animal may have moved in under there.  Handling it is a simple matter once you know what to do. The types of animals that may be living under your deck The first thing you need to do is figure out what kind of animal is living

Rodent Control – What You Need to Know About Mice

2021-06-29T18:35:33+00:00By |Rodents, Wildlife Removal|

  Rodent control is an important thing to keep on top of, especially when it comes to mice.  Here is what you need to know about these critters if you want to prevent them from spreading disease and causing damage to your property. Types of mice to look out for The mouse you're most likely

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